The Power Belongs To God
Are You Plugged In?
"Truly my soul silently waits for God; From Him comes my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved. My soul, wait silently for God alone, For my expectation is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be moved. In God is my salvation and my glory; The rock of my strength, And my refuge, is in God. Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us. God has spoken once, Twice I have heard this; THAT POWER BELONGS TO GOD."
Psalm 62:1-2, 5-8, 11
Often times we associate the word "surrender" with the word defeat, but I have found as a solider in The Army of God that these two words are not remotely related. In order for us to have victory as a believer and as a prayer warrior, we must continually "surrender" ourselves to God.
We must turn over, turn loose, let go, and leave things with Him. There is POWER in our prayers. The Bible clearly states "the fervent effectual prayer of a righteous man availeth much." However, the true power behind that prayer comes because of a life that is "righteous" and that can only come as a result of being totally surrendered to Jesus.
A surrendered life is first about BEING and then about DOING. That goes against the grain of human nature and the only way to get past the point of feeling that we have to do-do-do in order to be-be-be is to get to the place of the Psalmist who said, "truly my soul silently waits for God"...He only, He alone. My expectation IS FROM HIM."
We must get comfortable with times of silence. Many of us are not content unless someone is shouting down the church house or swinging from the chandeliers. Just because there is silence does not mean that God is not "doing" and that we are not "becoming" what He desires us to be.
Do not be moved by the clamoring that is going on all around you. I believe the voices of this world would dare try to drown out the still small whisper of God. Cultivate the ability to quiet yourself before Him and WAIT. Speak to your soul just as the Psalmist did. Command and demand this time of silence (verse 5). You will find yourself experiencing God in ways you never have before. The "silence of surrender" brings salvation, strength, security and stability.
The result is a new level of trust in The God of Our Salvation Who is Our Refuge, Our Rock and Our Source. "Trust in Him at all times
. pour out your hearts before Him"
this is the very essence of our lives in Him. We grow daily as we surrender to God and as a result, our level of faith climbs as He becomes The One Who is Able to do all things. How could we not pour out our hearts before Him? It is the only thing to do. He is Our Refuge and covers us as we surrender all (every need, every desire, every concern, every pressing situation) to Him.
What we once felt responsible to do ourselves we no longer feel the need to do. We are no longer worriers but instead we have become warriors as we come to see where the real POWER lies. It was never with us, it is only in us as Jesus has taken up residence in our heart. POWER BELONGS TO GOD. It was spoken once and even twice
"power belongs to God." Often times we command power and speak words that yield no authority because we have failed to remain PLUGGED INTO THE SOURCE. He is THE SOURCE
Begin to welcome the silence. Willingly surrender all to Him. All power does belong to God but He longs to manifest it through the lives of His people.
Plug into the Source and let His Power flow through you!
Copyright 2004 by Melinda Lancaster